10 Questions with Jesus De Mesa

We’re so excited to have this strong leader on our team as our newest Project Manager.


Describe what you do in 5 words.

Initiate, Plan, Lead, Execute, Communicate

What’s the best part of your work week?

Collaborating and connecting with such a fun team of farmhands every day.

What inspires you most about Farmboy?

Being part of a team filled with positive and creative individuals who are passionate about doing amazing work that truly impacts others.

What are you learning about right now?

I am currently reading The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday. I’m also learning about fitness, photography, and how to get my kids to sleep through the night.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

That is a very tough question, but I think I’ll go with churros.

What’s your most streamed song?

This year, it’s a tie between Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by Charlie Francis (my jam to get the kids to sleep) and Hold On by Justin Bieber (my jam to bust a move).

Where’s your favourite place in the world?

Home with my family, always. Although, Disneyland is a close second.

What’s your go-to drink order?

A chai latte for the fall/winter months and a vanilla iced latte for anytime of the year.

Finish this sentence: “If I wasn’t an Art Director, I’d be…”

A KonMari Consultant who owns a curated shop filled with neat little home décor trinkets. I guess in other words, I’d be Marie Kondo.

And finally, what does our purpose of changing lives with art mean to you?

I think one of the special things about art is that it encourages you to slow down and take a moment to be present and acknowledge the little things around you. I truly believe those small moments sparked by art bring a little joy into everyday life.


Welcome to the team, JESUS! We’re so glad you’re here. 


Artist Spotlight: Christopher Derek Bruno


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